We've never met, but Roberta Menger from the Bayfield Library gave me your blog site and suggested I contact you.
I'm 57 years old, I live in Mpls with my partner, Sheila, and I have written all kinds of things but have never tried to publish anything. I spend most of the summer in Bayfield, and I'd be interested in being part of a writing group in Bayfield this summer. If you'd be interested in that, maybe we could talk about starting something.
I don't want to leave my email here because I don't know if people pick up emails and send them spam etc. So if you want to contact me, check with Roberta.
I like your blog and would enjoy talking to you sometime.
Hey, Magdalen, thanks for reminding me to get back to the only place where I feel at home, by Lake Michigan, hundred yards from me. When winter hits, I retreat to far inside. But the lake is still there. It is my place of worship, too. And the water fowl are my priests.
This is great =)
Hi Magdalen,
We've never met, but Roberta Menger from the Bayfield Library gave me your blog site and suggested I contact you.
I'm 57 years old, I live in Mpls with my partner, Sheila, and I have written all kinds of things but have never tried to publish anything. I spend most of the summer in Bayfield, and I'd be interested in being part of a writing group in Bayfield this summer. If you'd be interested in that, maybe we could talk about starting something.
I don't want to leave my email here because I don't know if people pick up emails and send them spam etc. So if you want to contact me, check with Roberta.
I like your blog and would enjoy talking to you sometime.
Paula Anderson
Hey, Magdalen, thanks for reminding me to get back to the only place where I feel at home, by Lake Michigan, hundred yards from me. When winter hits, I retreat to far inside. But the lake is still there. It is my place of worship, too. And the water fowl are my priests.
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